
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Jesus sends his Spirit to form us into one body.

Pentecost Sunday is June 12. These Scriptures help us prepare for Pentecost (giving the Holy Spirit and the “birthday” of the church Jesus is building).

We ask for the grace of a deepening awareness of the power of Jesus’ Spirit in us and a growing desire to serve Jesus in his member.

Prayer texts:

Luke 24:36-53 Be present at the Ascension and hear Jesus saying, “You are my witnesses.”
Acts 2:1-34 Be present at the event and experience of Pentecost.

Acts 2:42-47 Be present at the early Christian community and listen to the witness of the apostles. Take part in their shared prayer and shared decision making.

Reflective prayer on the following: Through the power of his Spirit we are a people claiming Jesus as his own (I Peter 2:9); built together as parts of a new building (Eph 2:19-22); as members of his body (Rom 12:4-5); knit together in unity with a diversity of gifts (I Cor 12:4-7). Hence when we pray together as a community, as one body, Jesus is in our midst (Mt 18:19-20); and the communal decisions that we make out of Jesus’ Spirit (Jn 14:26); so that with this power we can bear much fruit (Jn 15:5).

Additional readings for reflection at other times:

Acts 1:1-11 Jesus ascends into heaven and says, “You are my witnesses.”

Acts 4:5-22 Peter and John speak in the power of Jesus before the Sanhedrin

2 Cor 5:14-21 The love of Jesus impels us: we are ambassadors and ministers of his

Col 1:24-29 In our own flesh we make up what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ.
Phil 4:4-13 Hence we rejoice because in him who is the source of our strength we have
strength for everything.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

We Are “God’s Net:”
warp and woof -overlaid and interwoven

A net is made by crossing lines and knotting them tightly at each joint. The net needs washed and dried to prevent rot. All holes need repaired. Fishermen need trained in the skills of casting and pulling in the net, as well as the care of it.

Applying the net metaphor to us we might say that our belief in God and His Word and kingdom purpose could be vertical lines (warp); our actions and relationships horizontal lines (woof). Where they intersect and are stitched or knotted together reveals our true common value system and identity.

Vertical (warp): We believe God is Love and is involved as Sovereign in our lives. We align ourselves with His commands. We focus first on His kingdom and his goodness and glory.

Horizontal (woof): The lines which run across the “warp” might be seen as the compassion, grace, mercy and righteousness of God worked out in our daily lives. How we worship and manage our tongue, our money, our time, raise children, do business, develop relationships, resolve conflict, marry and live in covenant), etc… all are overlaid and interwoven with others in committed relationships and shared life in God’s kingdom.

God joins us (knots us in covenant) together creating a form or shape which in turn shapes or forms us as friends, as family, as community. In other words, as we share commitments to one another’s good and to the service of others, all for the glory of God and extending of his kingdom on earth, we become visible to others, having a distinct identity. A group like a business company, a church, a team, etc… becomes known by their beliefs and values. God casts us forth in the world as his net.

The church forms people as the people are formed by God. In turn the church (ecclesia) forms the culture-or should at least. People may be drawn into the group (we are “fishers of men”) or repelled by it, but the more distinct we are from other groups (antithesis) the more influence we have on them. We are “in the world but not of it.” “The would hates us” because we do not love it but are freed from it’s values-or are we?????

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How do we measure a life?

Jesus said that a man’s life consists of more than his possessions. Some would say relationships with friends and family matter most.

The Shay family lost all but their lives in about seven minutes, when a van exploded into flame in their carport. Their life is more than a house. Yet that home was much more than stuff. People who live with them and many who visit or come there to work as a short term mission call it Rivendale (the peaceful and safe home of Elves in the Lord of the Rings stories).

Their sixteen year old daughter awoke with a headache. She was warm so she opened her window and heard their car horn (at the opposite end of the house from where all sleep). By the time she went downstairs to awaken her parents the fire was sweeping through their home. In seven minutes all was gone but miraculously David, Emily and their four children escaped.

As they walked us through the charred remains they spoke of hope and of what matters most. Pray that GM will cover the loss of their possessions. Pray their vision be fulfilled. They showed us the room where the table had been set for the KMI pastors’ regional gathering. Then they drove us to their farm to see newborn chicks, lambs and hear their vision for beauty out of ashes (Isaiah 61). Their church (and life) mission statement is to rebuild, repair and restore Isaiah 58:11-12, which also says that when we meet God’s conditions of compassion for others He will guide and satisfy our desire continually in scorched places.

Summerville, PA is our last ministry stop, then the team works an Atlanta Microsoft Show before ministering in Little Rock on their way home, returning May 22. We have touched many hurting people - some have lost jobs or retirement savings in this troubled economy. Some have lost marriages or temporarily are separated from their children due to drugs or demonic oppression. Some have lost hope. I spoke long with a young man the other day who was on a suicide watch and felt helpless to introduce him to Jesus.

On this trip our value system has been challenged to say the least. Will stuff like TV shows, newer, bigger, better electronics or possessions matter less? Will the gospel matter more? Saving people from hell? Bringing beauty and hope to people whose lives are ashes? Satisfying Jesus’ own thirst. Certainly I desire to laugh more, slow down, appreciate family, honor friends. -PD

2011 A Year of Tending: Focus, Faithfulness and Fruit

Monday, May 9, 2011

Post Resurrection Scriptures
For Meditation

As we read together this incredible chapter of 1 Cor 15, we shared joy in God's grace at work in us who are least of all, and that Jesus revealed himself to us as he did Paul (in our daily lives thousands of years after his earthly life).

8 Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me. 9 I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. 10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me.

Lord, we ask for the grace to know You present in our daily work and life but also to share your joy of returning to your Father's side where you rule until all enemies become your footstool (Psalm 110 and 1 Cor 15:24)
24 Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.

The next few weeks we continue toward Pentecost and our focus on the risen Christ present with us and his grace to help us be faithful to love Him and to love others as ourselves. This includes the work of praying for others and sharing with them the good news that Jesus is alive!
Focus-Faithfulness-Fruitfulness that will remain

1. Matthew 25:14-28 God gives us our talents to share his joy and glory

2. Matthew 25:45 God thirsts to be present with us to touch the least of all and those who thirst most.

3. John 15:1-17 Abide in Me, in My word. Obey my commands (especially to love one another).

Ask grace to glorify him by bearing fruit that remains because we abide in him.

4. John 15:20-27 Receive the Comforter and be My witnesses. Be ready to be hated and misunderstood by the world.

1. How is Christ present to you as you abide in one of these words of his to us?

2. Your desire to please Him is a thirst that comes first from Him for you and in you.
You feel His thirst in many ways: compassion for the hurting; yearning for some deeper satisfaction; sometimes anger at something you know is wrong; even a desolation or sadness; a weariness or even numbness (my soul thirsts for you as in a dry and weary land where no water is Ps 63).
What are you feeling today-especially as you think on Jesus risen and returned to the Father? Desolation like the apostles missing him and needing the Comforter? or consolation that Jesus is alive and because he has returned to the Father we can receive the holy Spirit?

3. Can you sense his longing for those in need to be comforted and be restored in his image and love?

4. What questions have you? Perhaps about something specific you are to do...or some dissatisfaction you feel?