
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Recent updates on our
mission and leadership

Abigail White (interning in Manhattan) says she misses her church family and thanks us for our prayers and support and feels them everyday! Manhattan is incredible!!

ERG (elders resource council): Kevin, Robert, Jason, Rick, Joseph continue to give input to Richard and Dwight and do important legwork, e.g. our commercial oven, care of the property, giving leadership in small groups and communicating with the congregation. Thank you for rising up to lead by serving.

Men: young men meet every other Friday eve, “not young” men meet with Dwight or Richard each Wed eve, and Kevin cooked incredible breakfast on new oven and grill at our men’s meeting Saturday AM. Richard prayed for each man and clear prophetic word for us. Dwight led discussion out of Nehemiah 4: rise up and fight for your families and homes; every man with sword in one hand while building with the other. We listed practical tools we were using or could each use in building and how to personally train—all of which were outside the context of just coming to a meeting at church (i.e. accountability and discipleship, study, prayer, small groups, family, learning faithfulness in small things… We also listed how to engage in the war around us daily: acts of service, giving, witness and personal testimony, intercessory and imprecatory prayer, using spiritual gifts, faith, hope and love… Then we identified tools to use relating to our identity and intentionality: media, worldview public conversations, CLC brochures and cards, internet, things as simple as a phone call or visit to someone, or becoming involved in politics.

In brief Richard prophesied that if we would seek and ask God as our source; and prepare ourselves to use tools God gives us including wisdom and Holy Spirit power; and strengthen ourselves and be willing to stand in the breaches; THEN God would show us how to build and how to fight, how to discern and how to persuade, and we would see strongholds crash down.
Assignment for next men’s breakfast (probably July 30): ask God for revelation to see our dangerous enemies, like apathy, wrong beliefs, division, and ignorance of mission, of enemy and Holy Spirit. Secondly ask how God wants to use us to build and to war against enemies.
Servant leaders: recently met and had strategic discussion for things like prayer teams, training our children in worship and parental blessing, changes in the hangings in our sanctuary and a book for fall small groups.

Servant leaders: recently met and had strategic discussion for things like prayer teams, training our children in worship and parental blessing, changes in the hangings in our sanctuary and a book for fall small groups.

Dwight discussed quantifying (identifying cost and resourcing) for CLC vision and personal repositioning in light of changes in relationships with SOS and MCOKC churches from the past: e.g. vision and provision for what God is calling us to do and are we not to do (focus, faithfulness and fruitfulness coming out of this year of tending our gardens).



Saturday, June 18, 2011

from whom every family on earth derives it’s name and image
(EPH 3:15)

  • Thank You, God: You are compassionate and pity us and do not treat us as our sins deserve but you remember our weaknesses (Psalm 103).
  • Thank You for creating us and all the cosmos, and loving all you made so much you sent your own and only Son to save us back to you so we would not be condemned (John 3:17-17).
  • Thank you for life each morning, daily bread, for protection during the day and rest at night (Psalm 90 and 91).
  • Thank You for the church, for friends, for the grace mediated from one member to another, for authority and gifts and spiritual community and family.
  • Thank you for grace and for mercy and for peace.
  • Thank you for your word.
  • Thank you for Holy Spirit.

Happy Father’s Day to the best Dad-the perfect heavenly Father who gives good gifts to his children (Luke 11).

For updates from the MCs in Costa Rica visit or

This Sunday AM the team is doing two services in Moses’ father’s church which makes 26 ministry times in nine days—that’s more than the US tour.

The response was amazing—people wanted prayer and came right away. They opened so deeply and quickly that all the team has grown in ministry experience and faith.

We wish that the hunger here would be seen in us at home. Of course the culture here is decaying visibly—I can see it is worse in just three years since last here (but it is in US as well). Lesbianism and sexual sin by teenagers is progressing rapidly. Humanism is rotting the will and character and moral fiber of family and government and economy. America exported much of this decay to countries like Costa Rica. We have a responsibility to turn to God, repent, humble ourselves and bring our own families and nation under God’s rule instead of our own wills. And we owe the nations the kingdom gospel.

The team has worked harder by God’s grace than I have ever seen a group do. I wish I could bring us all into this kind of experience, or like Abigail, or youth mission etc… Why NOT?


Saturday, June 11, 2011

The End Is Near (or is it)

"Famous preacher claims Jesus was to have returned May 20." "Mayan calendar ends in 2012." "Weather extremes, earthquakes and other disasters, wars and rumors of war: signs of the End Times?"

Jesus said we won't know the exact date but will see signs of the last days. Most notable is The preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom in all the world (Matthew 24:14)

Pentecostal power ushered in the “end times” (Joel 2 with Acts 2:17). We tend to focus on prophecies that In the “last days” there would be many troubles and disasters. But on the Day of Pentecost, the birthday of the church, Peter proclaimed the Promise of All Ages was fulfilled and in this new age God was pouring out his Spirit on all his sons and daughters. Why??? For the purpose of the church fulfilling Christ’s Kingdom mission and glorifying God. Is 61; Mt 16:18; Lk 4:18

The quoted sections come from a simple 40 day devotional I would like us to use later this summer called Igniting Faith.

What do you believe about the end times? Will there be revival or will the world “go to hell in a handbasket” before Jesus returns? Will the church limp into heaven or will she have “made herself ready” and become the bride “without spot or wrinkle”? Our answers are crucial."

"Matthew 24:24 says that the “gospel of the kingdom will be preached in every nation” before the end. Scripturally, the kingdom gospel demonstrates power with signs and wonders following. That does not sound like a weak church in the last hour. One obstacle to having a victorious end time mind-set is that theologians seem to place most of the Bible’s positive last days’ promises in the millennium. End times books reinforce this mind-set; thus, our responsibility and expectation for kingdom advancement is diminished. Consider this question: If a prophecy of judgment is given against a certain place, should Christians run to or from that place? It would seem that biblical promises and commands would say, “Go and be salt. Preserve this place. Your presence will withhold devastation, save the people and make the difference. Why don’t we think this way more? Could it be that we are believing incorrectly about the end times?"

The classic example for me is Mother Theresa, who heard and felt Jesus' "thirst" and changed her focus and began her ministry to the most thirsty of all people. How may God change my focus and what revelation may I receive that will put a "secret fire" and "tongues of fire" in and on me?

Declare: "The church is triumphant. The end time church will be a “revival church” full of power and Christ likeness."

Ask God for the special grace of Pentecost anew and afresh to overflow in and through you.

Pray for the 5,000 unreached people groups and pray by name for unbelievers and the disillusioned.

Touch others with God's love and love them enough to be Christ's kingdom witness to them.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

By Richard Lineberry

And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:47

When the Lord cast out the fishing net shortly after the Acts 2 Pentecost, the early church took off and soared in numbers and influence. There is much literature written from the first few centuries that give accounts of their activities and explain why Christianity was able to reach every part of the Roman Empire in less than 300 years.

Many of their strengths as they “worked the net” can be noted, but here are a few that we can think about and see how we compare today. Their style is worth copying.
  1. The most important characteristic of the first century church was their burning passion for spreading the Good News. That could only have come from having drunk the living water of the Holy Spirit themselves.
  2. Staying faithful to the Apostle’s teaching. That means they stayed Biblical. Their witnessing was about Christ’s resurrection power which was demonstrated through signs, wonders and healings of all kinds.
  3. They demonstrated lives of purity. Their own changed lives were the best examples of the validity of the Good News.
  4. Their charitable service to all. Feeding the hungry and offering safe havens for those in need along with faithfulness to their own families was an attraction not offered by the pagan religions of the day.
  5. Their mutual loyalty to one another was so unusual in their culture. Their meetings were open to all and without favoritism to social classes, rich/ poor and gender. Their cohesiveness under persecution and martyrdom emphasized the reality of the eternal life they preached.
Interestingly, in the book of Acts and early church history, their driving force was never just wanting increased numbers but continuing the ministry of Jesus. When they did that, God added the increase.