
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Five Ways to Bless and Be a Blessing

Genesis 27 Isaac blesses Jacob
Eph 6:4 Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.

1) Affection-Meaningful Touch – a hug, a pat on the shoulders, holding them in your arms, laying hands on their head, etc… appropriate meaningful touch is a way to say “I love you!” all through Scripture. 

2) Affirmation Spoken (or Written) Words –the Blessing ALWAYS involved WORDS, either spoken or written...

3) Attach High Value - that helps them know they have great value in your eyes and in God’s eyes well: highlight a character trait by describing a specific time when they demonstrated. (When your little sister falls or hurts herself, you always show compassion to be to help her feel better with her and to get help.) 

4) Assure a Special Future – Scripture paints pictures like Jeremiah 29:11…I have for you a future and a hope.” Kids tend to be literalists when it comes to hearing about their future from their parents. (Which is also why negative words, like, “You’re so stupid” stay in them.”

5) Advance in Genuine Ongoing Commitment –while often linked with a special situation or occasion, (marriage, birth, death, moving away, etc.), the 5 elements of the Blessing are things that we can choose to add to a loved ones life each day!
Just like we can choose to be joyful for a change, and to amend our ways, we can choose from now on to live out these words of affirmation and actions of encouragement and love in our lives together.

“Take the Blessing Challenge” by creating a special, intentional, purposeful events, and look for ways to live out these 5 elements of the blessing with your child. 

This list was adapted from these websites where you can see samples of a letter to write to your children and other ideas and training to change people’s lives by blessing them.   and

This week I will honor and bless by doing the following:
Honor and blessing are keys to be joyful for a change

Honor: preferring the other person above yourself, in status, service and sacrifice of themselves in order to bless the person and their purpose.

1.       I will bless by showing affection to ________________________,

by ____________________________________________________

2.       I will bless _______________________________ by
(circle one or both-saying / writing to them telling them a specific thing they did and something good about their future.)
Ideas: _____________________________________________________


3.       I will show honor for them and their purpose by (circle one or more-serving / sacrificing) for them by


4.       I will honor my spouse by _________________________________


5.       I will show honor for my parents, obeying and respecting them, by 




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