
Friday, December 31, 2010

Reflections from A Year of Proper Planting

John Clark gave the importance of taking notes and later reviewing them because we value other people who may be at risk if we are complacent. He shared personal testimony of the fruit of self-denial (Mt 10:38-39). And he exhorted us that in this year of proper planting if things actually seem to have died which we expected to live, then God can open a door to do more than we could have thought or made happen. So we as a congregation need some old ways to be burned off to be purified and new can grow (like becoming more incarnational and missional instead of inward focused and believing that people should be attracted.

Richard shared personally and from 2 Corinthians 9:9—we are God’s fellow workers, his field and his building (factory) so by his grace in us we produce fruit and precious things that will stand the fire. In verses 7-10 we read that one sows, another reaps but God gives the increase and loves the cheerful giver. Of what am I glad for having sown and/or perhaps reaped?

  • Richard Lineberry To sow in areas of prayer, giving and serving.
  • John Clark Port I have changed this year as a result of God’s blessing and grace helping me choose to be a son in the house
  • Susan Mitchell My view of evangelism changed as we prayed and obeyed to bring light in the darkness leaving results to Him.
  • Mary Port I have found more freedom as I have put away reactive judgements toward others.
  • Dennis Frost Gave thanks for spiritual authority in his life by the elders and that his family is getting in God’s order as he takes responsibility to sow good seed instead of bad. God has blessed his family with more peace as they stepped out to be foster parents and MC hosts.
  • Jeffrey Port During the summer MC service projects as outreach into the neighborhood I realized mission and evangelism is not just about trying to get more people into our church.
  • Joyce Hanson Gave thanks for the congregation’s love and ministry to her son and that he is a changed man.
  • Kendra Cunkle gave thanks that as she has sowed into being the worship leader and secretary and other ways of serving she believes God has confirmed that she is in her proper place.
Fill in your own testimony______________

Merry Happy,

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