Palm Sunday - clash between
old and new thinking.
Old self-effort religion can be exchanged for the new way of thinking and living in oneness with God and one another - this is God’s love and the fellowship of Holy Spirit and grace of Jesus Christ.
Today present yourselves to God (heart and mind); don’t be conformed to world but to Christ. Open the mind gate for the King to come in. (Psalm 24, Rom 12)
(with permission I drew this from Tim McCoy’s journal)
Our mind is a tool at our disposal. It is possible to decondition. How we use it today is only the result of a habit that can be exchanged for a new one, as long as the change is desired or it is accepted that change is possible. Take a moment of silence in my mind and think about this idea: "My mind is a tool I can use as I see fit" " Assertion: "Even though I'm afraid, I can act. I can change course at any time. I can trust God, even if I do not know in advance the results of my choice."
God lives in us and this Holy Spirit is an incredible strength and intelligence. He knows and loves us and comes alongside our struggles. You can access this strength through conscious choice and strengthen your ability to change. This “examen” is the process of becoming conscious and empowering change. Cease, now, to think according to our old schemas.
When they float to the surface, I say to my mind: "I now choose to think it has become easier for me to make changes."
The old thoughts of fatalism or despondence are good for nothing, they are part of the past and all I have to do is to do away with such and no longer apply as relevant the old experiences/ thoughts or accept their power. After all, they brought me to the sin I wish now to escape.
I can just imagine a small child on whom I've never imposed a time to retire to sleep. One day I decided that from now on bedtime will be every night at eight o'clock. What happens on the first night? My child will revolt against this new rule, protest, cry and try to stay up as late as possible. If I give in that first time, he will have won and always seek to have the upper hand. However, if I keep my mind firmly, gradually the will and freedom of roving thoughts will decrease the revolt and I establish a new routine for the child.
The process is comparable to my mind. Obviously our mind will rebel at first. But if I stay focused and determined, it will take some time for a new mental structure to be established but it will change. I must not give in the first time. This is the discipline. Believe and act today.
Assertion: "My reactions or rebellious ways are normal, I accept and let go and let God's way reign."
Application to abide together in His truth and love:
1. I present and open my heart and mind to God like a great gate, saying, “Come in King of Glory.”
2. I ask, “What habit of old thinking is your Holy Spirit helping me examine now, and with some new word and way?
3. I choose: “I exchange old dead “agreements” with what You want me to be and what You are saying and doing, In me; In my marriage and relationships; In our church.
4. I ask not only for a new mind (repentance) but joy and peace.
God present, pruning and producing.