
Friday, April 26, 2013


by Dwight Cunkle

Though a son he learned obedience through suffering, offering up prayers with loud cries and crying...heard because of his reverence, he became the Source for all who obey him. Heb 5:8

     Thank God for nurses and Dr’s and medical technology! Yet it can be overwhelming to have to depend on others, and on medicines and equipment, while feeling pretty helpless, especially in the sterile, unfamiliar setting of hospital or emergency room. Plus the expense and impatience of wanting to get better or still be productive increases anxiety. God designed our bodies with great natural healing properties and sometimes the good that modern medicine tries to do is actually harmful. The bottom line is Jesus is our health, period!

My lemonade Sucks
When my life sucks I have choices: My tendency is to suck it up (get my focus off what is going on and try to make lemonade out of the lemons). Right now even my lemonade sucks! What I really need is to let go-not try to fix things but surrender my need to control to God who is actually in control. Even while sometimes telling him how sucky all this is, I can choose to humble myself before him and resist the devil and all his tactics, and grow in Christ. This is a moment to moment grace gift.!!

I can exchange desolations for consolations at the cross
When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul. 
(Psalms 94:19 NASB)        

     Two weeks ago I contrasted spiritual consolations and desolations. Our enemies, the world, the flesh and the devil, have various tactics like using natural things which are difficult in life, to try and move us away from God.
     But trials  can also lead us into spiritual consolations which uplift us toward God in faith, hope and love, in the present moment! In other words we can mature in union and closeness with God as we exchange negative thoughts and feelings at the cross for His grace and love, even crying out to God as Jesus did in the days of his earthly sufferings. In a recent sermon, we looked at how feelings make good indicators but lousy leaders.
     Last week Arch Bishop Sean Larkin reminded us how Jesus is always walking with us, waiting to reveal himself. He is present to you in whatever you face.

Enjoy your lemonade.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


(part two)

by Dwight Cunkle

     In last week’s column I listed how our enemy (the world, the flesh and the devil) afflict us with desolations contrasting them with God’s spiritual consolations. In last week’s sermon, we looked at how feelings make good indicators but lousy leaders –emotions can indicate both the source and direction of our thoughts, but our focus needs to be on discerning our thoughts so we don’t get ‘stuck” in our feelings. 
(“Nothing more than Feelings” is available as a podcast on our website,

What do I do when I have become aware of my feelings and understand the source and direction of my thoughts? (loosely based on rules for discernment by Ignatius of Loyola)

Accept the good but reject the bad. As good thoughts grow when our hearts and minds are moving toward and responding to God, so peace, faith, hope and love diminish, when our thoughts focus more on our emotions and move away from God (spiritual desolation).

When in spiritual desolation (feelings which move away from God) don’t change prior decisions but change your thoughts.  Continue the direction you began while in spiritual consolation (faith, hope, love, peace, joy...). Make every effort to resist and reject the bad thoughts. Act intensely to change your thoughts by prayer, meditation,  examination and humbly seeking spiritual direction. Increase loving kindness and self-denial rather than yield to selfish or fleshly temptations.

When in spiritual consolations prepare yourself against the return of desolation.  Since there is both ebb and flow, and highs and lows in natural and spiritual life, arm yourselves to share in Christ’s suffering and for the good which comes from trials. Fill yourself with Scripture and be filled with the Spirit, praying and giving thanks much, “so you may be able to stand in the time of testing because the flesh is weak but spirit is willing.”

The choice to live in ongoing spiritual awareness  is the beginning of spiritual discernment and gateway to spiritual freedom.

Maturity comes by effort and  humility (asking God’s help).

Thursday, April 11, 2013



By Dwight Cunkle
When a person decides to know; love God and do his will they experience both resistance and help. Discerning the enemy’s tactics help us resist him and go further on with Jesus.

Examples of enemy resistance from the world, flesh and devil include the following:

-Unsettling anxieties, diminishing peace
- Diminishing energy and strength to do the good
-Sadness and discouragement without knowing why
-Dullness, hardness or lack of motivation to pray, lack of interest in spiritual life, losing heart
-Obstacles and difficulties in daily life and temptations which add up to come against us with negative self-talk; “How can I continue to do good?” or, “Look what you are giving up or won’t be able to do.”
-False reasonings bring confusion, hopelessness, failure: “It’s my fault that I am not better because I should be”
-Feelings of division, unresolved hurts, critical spirit, judgments, negative interpretations of what others think, loneliness or feelings of being misunderstood.
-Fears: of failure, of rejection, of the devil or more resistance, or even fear of success and the responsibility

Examples of how God’s grace and good spirits help us overcome: 

-Experience God’s love uplifting us in faith, hope, joy, peace (even if only briefly)
-Courage to face the enemy’s resistance and continue God’s will
-Strength of God’s love lifting the heart
-Consolations of God’s love giving a new ease and increase in love for others which also uplifts us
-Tears of comfort from the movement of God’s love and closeness or overwhelming gratitude for his love in Jesus
-Inspirations, illuminations and spiritual clarity to see and overcome confusion
-Quiet Strength and peace of heart even in activity
-Grace removes obstacles, inspires an gives hope
-Faith and joy uprising in the midst of the enemy’s taunts

Go further on with the resurrected Christ and resist
the desolations of our enemy whom he has defeated.

Thursday, April 4, 2013



Jesus is Alive!

By praying and reading his word daily we can personally feel the effects of his presence and voice in our lives. Jesus appeared to more than 500 people post-resurrection. Because of his resurrection, there are, by some counts, as many as 2 billion Christians in the world today. Here is a list of Jesus’ appearances:
1. Jesus first appears to Mary Magdalene, shortly after his resurrection. See Mark 16:9; John 20:11-18.
2. Jesus appears to the women returning from the empty tomb. See Matthew 28:8-10.
3. Jesus appears to two disciples on the road to Emmaus. See Mark 16:12,13; Luke 24:13-35.
4. He appears to Peter. See Luke 24:34, 1 Corinthians 15:5.
5. He appears to his disciples, in Jerusalem, while Thomas is absent. See Mark 16:14-18; Luke 24:36-49; John 20:19-23.
6. Jesus again appears to his disciples, in Jerusalem. This time Thomas is present. See John 20:24-29.
7. Jesus appears to his disciples on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. See Matthew 28:16; John 21:1,2.
8. Jesus is seen by 500 believers at one time. See 1 Corinthians 15:6.
9. He appears to James. See 1 Corinthians 15:7.
10. He appears to his disciples on a mountain in Galilee. See Matthew 28:16-20.
11. He appears to his disciples, blesses them, and ascends into heaven. See Luke 24:50-53.
12. He also appears to Paul, on the road to Damascus. Acts 9:3-6; 1 Corinthians 15:8.
By George Konig