Joshua and Caleb return with the grapes of the Promised Land in “Spies return with grapes” by Michiel van der Borch, 1332 |
We always have choices. If I choose to bite on the bait of Satan (his tasty morsels of offense are always offered on the “baitstick” of a trap) then I may be caught and ensnared by it. But I don’t have to live in my pain or in a bitter vow of offense (“I will never let that ___ happen to me again”). I can choose to avoid or even be set free from a stronghold of judgment or bitter root of negative expectation against a person and life in general. Here are three direction to make better choices on how to handle opposition: toward Christ and his body, toward the accuser-Satan, and toward yourself (past, present and future).
Toward God and the Body of Christ (Lessons from Ezra 3 going forward)
1. Give thanks, worship and pray: Keep the altar in your heart free of old ashes. The priests had to take yesterday’s ashes outside the camp and keep the fire burning on the altar (Lev 6:9-13 and Heb 13:13-17). Each day choose to “take out the trash” and add new wood to keep the flame of God freshly burning in your heart - morning, daytime, evening and through the night. Then it will be easier to think on him and call on him through the day.
2. Feed your spirit and soul the truth by meditation in God’s word (Ezra taught the people God’s commands (Ezra 7-10 and Nehemiah 8).
3. Repent and confess your sins: Humble yourself before God and cleanse yourself of impure motives and sinful thought, words and actions. (Israelites who had married unbelieving wives had had to divorce them (keep hearts with undistracted devotion to Christ-don’t marry the world). “I am a partaker of and contributor to the sins of the world.” “Lord have mercy on me, a sinner."
4. Don’t withdraw or neglect gathering for fellowship with friends
5. Be generous in word, in deed and in service to those around you. Others need your help.
6. Keep your focus on Christ - what we do we do for the love of God in Christ - it’s not about me. “I ask the grace that my motives, my energies, my actions and my relations with others be purely by your love, service and glory; that I will be saved and use all created things for your intended purpose-the salvation of the world” (ancient prayer).
7. Share in Christ’s suffering for the body (Col 1:24) and continue to do good, as He suffered for you (1 Peter 4:12-19).
Toward the devil
1. Ignore the distraction if possible (person, circumstance or bad spirit). Keep your hands on the task God put before you because that’s where God gives you grace. Ezra records how the Israelites had nothing to do with those who were stuck in the past and sowed discord. The leaders would not allow threats and distractions to undermine the forward purpose of God (until they were ordered to cease work by the king in Ezra 4).
2. Be armed while together building a safe place for your families and for those harassed by the enemy to enter (Nehemiah 4). Wear God’s spiritual armor while you are busy building the new wall of protection together.
Toward your own soul
1. Be aware and acknowledge your pain. Ask Jesus to walk with through the distracting and painful thoughts and feelings. Process your own grief (shock-denial-anger-bargaining-acceptance and peace).
2. Engage and explore your feelings with a friend who can help you (share up with spiritual authority but don’t dump down on someone who may pick up your hurt and offense).
3. Discern and exchange the lies with Jesus’ own word to you. Within the pain you can encounter Jesus, the Living Word. Speak what He says to you (Rhema) to directly rebuke and resist the devil-tell him to “GO.”
4. “Reframe” and “Resolve" the event or person which activated the pain until you feel a close bond with God and those whom God has brought you into relationship. “Shalom” or “The peace of Christ be with you,” is a peaceful and healthy response. “I am able to have a good response” ( “I am a responsible person”).
Core Convictions
Passion to know God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
The Co-mission to be and make disciples
Death and Resurrection Life through the power of the cross
We love God and His family (the church)
The Kingdom of God: the care of creation and its inhabitants