Listening to Pastor Dwight’s several sermons on heaven the past few weeks has given me some thoughts. As I listen, I find myself feeling convicted at the lack of “heaven” (or at least the heavenly kingdom) in my own life. Let me explain. Many times we look at heaven in this far off sense. The way I'm talking about is very close and practical.
I've noticed complacency in my life. A laziness and satisfaction with the way things are that is really quite sickening. I've had to step back and ask myself, "where is my relationship with the Lord and how am I serving Him." The answers I've found are, "not as close to Him as I would like, and I’m not serving Him a lot."
There is a fear/conviction in me about hell too. I think about the parable of the talents and what kind of steward I'm being with what I've been given. How am I reaching those who don't know Him and what kind of fruit is there to show for it? The answer is, I haven't even been trying to reach out to those who don't know Him and there is no fruit. That would label me as an unprofitable servant (Mt 25). Would that qualify me for the lake of fire? A scary realization but important nonetheless.
So what do I do with that. I believe God is using Pastor Dwight and his sermons on heaven to WAKE US UP! We must see our laziness and complacency and repent from it and change. We must let the word of God transform our minds so we care more about Him and His work for us to do than we care about ourselves. The church has been about us. We must repent and do what God created us to do. Love Him and call others to His love - taking dominion of this earth and bringing his blessing. Amen - John Clark Port
Added by Pastor Dwight: Thanks John Clark, you said it best. I think heaven to us is still too much of a time and place mindset just like "going to church." “Heaven is the place where God's presence to bless is fully manifested.” So we need to think- do we want his fully manifested presence or do we really just want blessed? Where he comes fully his presence will deal mercifully with whatever hinders his blessing. And if we want his full presence we must be intentional about blessing others full not just filling ourselves. We bless God and others by loving him and them. That means spreading heaven's kingdom and bringing others into our lives and his heaven. Go be heaven’s “blessors” and “laid down lovers” for others.
Wow, this is really good. And very important. Thanks John and PD!