Practice values that Build Community and
Transform Neighborhoods
Awakening in our day; Reformation in our lifetime
Enter into Christ’s suffering in the world to redeem the world. Don’t protest and criticize as an outsider. Be leaven; serve in love, bring change from inside out.
Is it going to rain?
If so we need to build ‘Arks’ in our neighborhoods .
1. Make friends in neighborhood (Lk 16)
2. Deepening love –keep the unity in the Spirit (Eph 4).
3. Personal House in order and good stewards together (remove debt, learn how to barter, have emergency savings and food stocks, be proactive in discipleship and committed relationships not just friendships).
4. Humbly repent and ask God’s grace and miraculous power be demonstrated over evil all around and in us.
5. Encounter God’s love and receive healing prayers.
6. Paradigm Shifts: Move from “my church” to the church. From going to be in church to being on mission wherever we go. From koinonia (fellowship among us) to ekklesia (called to represent God and His kingdom in earth). From fear and apathy to bringing hope. Christ is victoriously resurrected. We work for a good future. This pivotal moment in history is our opportunity.
7. “Big Mo” - build positive momentum: disagree with negativity and familiarity. Replace them by looking for the good and praising it. Bring change from inside out. Show honor to what/who is honorable rather than just criticizing what/who is imperfect. Be a peacemaker and problem solver—salt and light in the world.
8. Persevere in prayer and service: It takes 5x as much energy to make steam as to get to the boiling point so don’t quit.
9. Become a worshiper-sing and speak God’s Word: Psalm 2:7 I will declare the decree of the Lord. Jesus said to pray like this: “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as in heaven.”
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