Jesus sends his Spirit to form us into one body.
Pentecost Sunday is June 12. These Scriptures help us prepare for Pentecost (giving the Holy Spirit and the “birthday” of the church Jesus is building). We ask for the grace of a deepening awareness of the power of Jesus’ Spirit in us and a growing desire to serve Jesus in his member.
Prayer texts:
Luke 24:36-53 Be present at the Ascension and hear Jesus saying, “You are my witnesses.”
Acts 2:1-34 Be present at the event and experience of Pentecost.
Acts 2:42-47 Be present at the early Christian community and listen to the witness of the apostles. Take part in their shared prayer and shared decision making.
Reflective prayer on the following: Through the power of his Spirit we are a people claiming Jesus as his own (I Peter 2:9); built together as parts of a new building (Eph 2:19-22); as members of his body (Rom 12:4-5); knit together in unity with a diversity of gifts (I Cor 12:4-7). Hence when we pray together as a community, as one body, Jesus is in our midst (Mt 18:19-20); and the communal decisions that we make out of Jesus’ Spirit (Jn 14:26); so that with this power we can bear much fruit (Jn 15:5).
Additional readings for reflection at other times: Acts 1:1-11 Jesus ascends into heaven and says, “You are my witnesses.”
Acts 4:5-22 Peter and John speak in the power of Jesus before the Sanhedrin
2 Cor 5:14-21 The love of Jesus impels us: we are ambassadors and ministers of his
Col 1:24-29 In our own flesh we make up what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ.
Phil 4:4-13 Hence we rejoice because in him who is the source of our strength we have
strength for everything.