We Are “God’s Net:”
warp and woof -overlaid and interwoven
warp and woof -overlaid and interwoven
A net is made by crossing lines and knotting them tightly at each joint. The net needs washed and dried to prevent rot. All holes need repaired. Fishermen need trained in the skills of casting and pulling in the net, as well as the care of it.
Applying the net metaphor to us we might say that our belief in God and His Word and kingdom purpose could be vertical lines (warp); our actions and relationships horizontal lines (woof). Where they intersect and are stitched or knotted together reveals our true common value system and identity.
Vertical (warp): We believe God is Love and is involved as Sovereign in our lives. We align ourselves with His commands. We focus first on His kingdom and his goodness and glory.
Horizontal (woof): The lines which run across the “warp” might be seen as the compassion, grace, mercy and righteousness of God worked out in our daily lives. How we worship and manage our tongue, our money, our time, raise children, do business, develop relationships, resolve conflict, marry and live in covenant), etc… all are overlaid and interwoven with others in committed relationships and shared life in God’s kingdom.
God joins us (knots us in covenant) together creating a form or shape which in turn shapes or forms us as friends, as family, as community. In other words, as we share commitments to one another’s good and to the service of others, all for the glory of God and extending of his kingdom on earth, we become visible to others, having a distinct identity. A group like a business company, a church, a team, etc… becomes known by their beliefs and values. God casts us forth in the world as his net.
The church forms people as the people are formed by God. In turn the church (ecclesia) forms the culture-or should at least. People may be drawn into the group (we are “fishers of men”) or repelled by it, but the more distinct we are from other groups (antithesis) the more influence we have on them. We are “in the world but not of it.” “The would hates us” because we do not love it but are freed from it’s values-or are we?????
Applying the net metaphor to us we might say that our belief in God and His Word and kingdom purpose could be vertical lines (warp); our actions and relationships horizontal lines (woof). Where they intersect and are stitched or knotted together reveals our true common value system and identity.
Vertical (warp): We believe God is Love and is involved as Sovereign in our lives. We align ourselves with His commands. We focus first on His kingdom and his goodness and glory.
Horizontal (woof): The lines which run across the “warp” might be seen as the compassion, grace, mercy and righteousness of God worked out in our daily lives. How we worship and manage our tongue, our money, our time, raise children, do business, develop relationships, resolve conflict, marry and live in covenant), etc… all are overlaid and interwoven with others in committed relationships and shared life in God’s kingdom.
God joins us (knots us in covenant) together creating a form or shape which in turn shapes or forms us as friends, as family, as community. In other words, as we share commitments to one another’s good and to the service of others, all for the glory of God and extending of his kingdom on earth, we become visible to others, having a distinct identity. A group like a business company, a church, a team, etc… becomes known by their beliefs and values. God casts us forth in the world as his net.
The church forms people as the people are formed by God. In turn the church (ecclesia) forms the culture-or should at least. People may be drawn into the group (we are “fishers of men”) or repelled by it, but the more distinct we are from other groups (antithesis) the more influence we have on them. We are “in the world but not of it.” “The would hates us” because we do not love it but are freed from it’s values-or are we?????
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