Recent updates on our
mission and leadership
mission and leadership
Abigail White (interning in Manhattan) says she misses her church family and thanks us for our prayers and support and feels them everyday! Manhattan is incredible!!
ERG (elders resource council): Kevin, Robert, Jason, Rick, Joseph continue to give input to Richard and Dwight and do important legwork, e.g. our commercial oven, care of the property, giving leadership in small groups and communicating with the congregation. Thank you for rising up to lead by serving.
Men: young men meet every other Friday eve, “not young” men meet with Dwight or Richard each Wed eve, and Kevin cooked incredible breakfast on new oven and grill at our men’s meeting Saturday AM. Richard prayed for each man and clear prophetic word for us. Dwight led discussion out of Nehemiah 4: rise up and fight for your families and homes; every man with sword in one hand while building with the other. We listed practical tools we were using or could each use in building and how to personally train—all of which were outside the context of just coming to a meeting at church (i.e. accountability and discipleship, study, prayer, small groups, family, learning faithfulness in small things… We also listed how to engage in the war around us daily: acts of service, giving, witness and personal testimony, intercessory and imprecatory prayer, using spiritual gifts, faith, hope and love… Then we identified tools to use relating to our identity and intentionality: media, worldview public conversations, CLC brochures and cards, internet, things as simple as a phone call or visit to someone, or becoming involved in politics.
In brief Richard prophesied that if we would seek and ask God as our source; and prepare ourselves to use tools God gives us including wisdom and Holy Spirit power; and strengthen ourselves and be willing to stand in the breaches; THEN God would show us how to build and how to fight, how to discern and how to persuade, and we would see strongholds crash down.
Assignment for next men’s breakfast (probably July 30): ask God for revelation to see our dangerous enemies, like apathy, wrong beliefs, division, and ignorance of mission, of enemy and Holy Spirit. Secondly ask how God wants to use us to build and to war against enemies.
Servant leaders: recently met and had strategic discussion for things like prayer teams, training our children in worship and parental blessing, changes in the hangings in our sanctuary and a book for fall small groups.
Servant leaders: recently met and had strategic discussion for things like prayer teams, training our children in worship and parental blessing, changes in the hangings in our sanctuary and a book for fall small groups.
Dwight discussed quantifying (identifying cost and resourcing) for CLC vision and personal repositioning in light of changes in relationships with SOS and MCOKC churches from the past: e.g. vision and provision for what God is calling us to do and are we not to do (focus, faithfulness and fruitfulness coming out of this year of tending our gardens).

ERG (elders resource council): Kevin, Robert, Jason, Rick, Joseph continue to give input to Richard and Dwight and do important legwork, e.g. our commercial oven, care of the property, giving leadership in small groups and communicating with the congregation. Thank you for rising up to lead by serving.
Men: young men meet every other Friday eve, “not young” men meet with Dwight or Richard each Wed eve, and Kevin cooked incredible breakfast on new oven and grill at our men’s meeting Saturday AM. Richard prayed for each man and clear prophetic word for us. Dwight led discussion out of Nehemiah 4: rise up and fight for your families and homes; every man with sword in one hand while building with the other. We listed practical tools we were using or could each use in building and how to personally train—all of which were outside the context of just coming to a meeting at church (i.e. accountability and discipleship, study, prayer, small groups, family, learning faithfulness in small things… We also listed how to engage in the war around us daily: acts of service, giving, witness and personal testimony, intercessory and imprecatory prayer, using spiritual gifts, faith, hope and love… Then we identified tools to use relating to our identity and intentionality: media, worldview public conversations, CLC brochures and cards, internet, things as simple as a phone call or visit to someone, or becoming involved in politics.
In brief Richard prophesied that if we would seek and ask God as our source; and prepare ourselves to use tools God gives us including wisdom and Holy Spirit power; and strengthen ourselves and be willing to stand in the breaches; THEN God would show us how to build and how to fight, how to discern and how to persuade, and we would see strongholds crash down.
Assignment for next men’s breakfast (probably July 30): ask God for revelation to see our dangerous enemies, like apathy, wrong beliefs, division, and ignorance of mission, of enemy and Holy Spirit. Secondly ask how God wants to use us to build and to war against enemies.
Servant leaders: recently met and had strategic discussion for things like prayer teams, training our children in worship and parental blessing, changes in the hangings in our sanctuary and a book for fall small groups.
Servant leaders: recently met and had strategic discussion for things like prayer teams, training our children in worship and parental blessing, changes in the hangings in our sanctuary and a book for fall small groups.
Dwight discussed quantifying (identifying cost and resourcing) for CLC vision and personal repositioning in light of changes in relationships with SOS and MCOKC churches from the past: e.g. vision and provision for what God is calling us to do and are we not to do (focus, faithfulness and fruitfulness coming out of this year of tending our gardens).