"Famous preacher claims Jesus was to have returned May 20." "Mayan calendar ends in 2012." "Weather extremes, earthquakes and other disasters, wars and rumors of war: signs of the End Times?"
Jesus said we won't know the exact date but will see signs of the last days. Most notable is The preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom in all the world (Matthew 24:14)
Pentecostal power ushered in the “end times” (Joel 2 with Acts 2:17). We tend to focus on prophecies that In the “last days” there would be many troubles and disasters. But on the Day of Pentecost, the birthday of the church, Peter proclaimed the Promise of All Ages was fulfilled and in this new age God was pouring out his Spirit on all his sons and daughters. Why??? For the purpose of the church fulfilling Christ’s Kingdom mission and glorifying God. Is 61; Mt 16:18; Lk 4:18
The quoted sections come from a simple 40 day devotional I would like us to use later this summer called Igniting Faith.
What do you believe about the end times? Will there be revival or will the world “go to hell in a handbasket” before Jesus returns? Will the church limp into heaven or will she have “made herself ready” and become the bride “without spot or wrinkle”? Our answers are crucial."
"Matthew 24:24 says that the “gospel of the kingdom will be preached in every nation” before the end. Scripturally, the kingdom gospel demonstrates power with signs and wonders following. That does not sound like a weak church in the last hour. One obstacle to having a victorious end time mind-set is that theologians seem to place most of the Bible’s positive last days’ promises in the millennium. End times books reinforce this mind-set; thus, our responsibility and expectation for kingdom advancement is diminished. Consider this question: If a prophecy of judgment is given against a certain place, should Christians run to or from that place? It would seem that biblical promises and commands would say, “Go and be salt. Preserve this place. Your presence will withhold devastation, save the people and make the difference. Why don’t we think this way more? Could it be that we are believing incorrectly about the end times?"
The classic example for me is Mother Theresa, who heard and felt Jesus' "thirst" and changed her focus and began her ministry to the most thirsty of all people. How may God change my focus and what revelation may I receive that will put a "secret fire" and "tongues of fire" in and on me?
Declare: "The church is triumphant. The end time church will be a “revival church” full of power and Christ likeness."
Ask God for the special grace of Pentecost anew and afresh to overflow in and through you.
Pray for the 5,000 unreached people groups and pray by name for unbelievers and the disillusioned.
Touch others with God's love and love them enough to be Christ's kingdom witness to them.
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