Personal and National Stewardship Issues:
The rich rules over the borrower and the borrower
becomes slave to the lender. Pro 22:7
becomes slave to the lender. Pro 22:7
What is my purpose investing: to provide for my household and increase my ability to give for God’s kingdom? Four ways to be a good financial steward: 1. Honor God by giving first to Him. 2. Deal with debt 3. Save, beginning with emergency fund. 4. Invest surplus 5. Diversify for safety.
Every spending decision is an investing decision.
What is the intent and the fruit of our government’s policies regarding debt and individual stewardship, including life? Compare your personal beliefs and values to US Government.
The Congressional Budget Office projects unprecedented trajectory of the debt compared to the scope of our national debt in the past: The debt will be larger than our entire economy in just a decade (a level we have experienced only once, very briefly, in the immediate wake of World War II).
One of the main causes of increasing government spending is ObamaCare Health Law. Much controversy over the unclarity in this law toward possible funding of abortions and the possible “rationing of health care” to elderly and very ill.
IPAB (Independent Advisory Board) is a panel of 15 government-appointed "experts" to be set up to monitor/set the amounts that Medicare can reimburse doctors/hospitals for various services/procedures. Which may lead to fewer doctors accepting Medicare patients and thus longer wait times. In effect, medical services will be rationed.
Which do you prefer: Top-down, heavy-handed approach to medical care reform OR turning more of the decision-making over to individuals choices in a competitive private market?

The Congressional Budget Office projects unprecedented trajectory of the debt compared to the scope of our national debt in the past: The debt will be larger than our entire economy in just a decade (a level we have experienced only once, very briefly, in the immediate wake of World War II).
Do you trust the government to be good stewards of life?
One of the main causes of increasing government spending is ObamaCare Health Law. Much controversy over the unclarity in this law toward possible funding of abortions and the possible “rationing of health care” to elderly and very ill.
IPAB (Independent Advisory Board) is a panel of 15 government-appointed "experts" to be set up to monitor/set the amounts that Medicare can reimburse doctors/hospitals for various services/procedures. Which may lead to fewer doctors accepting Medicare patients and thus longer wait times. In effect, medical services will be rationed.
Which do you prefer: Top-down, heavy-handed approach to medical care reform OR turning more of the decision-making over to individuals choices in a competitive private market?
We also have to be aware of the major cuts proposed by the 'Gang of Six,' which is lead by Senator Coburn. Sen. Coburn is proposing major cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. This is plan to fix the national debt.
ReplyDeleteThe budget debates are taking so long largely because Pres. Obama and other leaders are opposed to this 'rationing' you're talking about Pastor Dwight. We need this health care, we can't let the Gang of Six take it from us.
As constituents of Oklahoma, Sen. Coburn is required to listen to us, and we must tell him that we do not support these cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security! He is the key player in the Gang of Six, and if he knows we don't support these cuts he will perhaps look to cut something else.
Please google the Gang of Six proposal, and then tell Sen. Coburn what you think! You can email him on his website here:
Tell him we want to keep our health care!
Do it now, the budget deadline is quickly approaching!
I miss you, CLC! I know you'll do a wonderful job representing Christ and Oklahomans to Sen. Coburn!