In Affliction and Trial
Selected excerpts from Abiding in Christ
By Andrew Murray
Every branch that bears fruit He prunes,
That it may bear more fruit.
John 15:2
“In each affliction we need to hear the voice of a messenger that encourages us to abide even closer... Abide in Christ! This is the Father’s object in sending the trial... Through suffering the Father leads us to enter more deeply into the love of Christ. It is an unspeakable mercy that the Father comes with His affliction and makes the world around us dark and unattractive. This leads us to feel more deeply our sinfulness, and for a time we lose our joy in what was becoming so threatening to our spiritual life.
Say that now you have but one object in life: making known and conveying His wonderful love to others. You will learn the art of forgetting self, and, even in affliction, using this separation from ordinary life to plead for the welfare of others. When you see affliction coming, meet it in Christ; when it has come, feel that you are more in Christ that in the affliction, for He is closer to you than affliction can ever be; and when it is passing, still abide in Him. Let the one thought of the Savior...become your time of choicest blessing...that He and you belong entirely to each other...that you are more completely satisfied with Him and more wholly given up to Him than ever before.
Delight yourself in the assurance that closer union with Him and more abundant fruit through Him are sure to be the results of trial.
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