“What does He see in Her?”
By Dwight Cunkle
Sometimes when we look at a couple the question arises in our mind, “What does he see in her?” or “What does she see in him?” because we do not have their eyes for that person. Sometimes “love is blind” and we wish that they knew something that we knew, to save them pain.
The Almighty Lover of Souls saw in us the poor forlorn and ruined nature which he had in the beginning filled with grace and light. Not what merited his favor; not what would adequately respond to his presence; but what would illustrate and preach abroad his graces. Christ came into the world to make a new world; to regenerate it in himself; to make a new beginning; to be the beginning of the new creation of God, and to
gather together into one both the old and new.
This is how the Lord Jesus looked upon us. What did he see in us? A song by Misty Edwards "I knew what I was getting into when I called you," says this well.
“I knew what I was getting into and I still want you. I knew what I was getting into and I still like you. I knew what I was getting into and I still chose you.”
Jesus in Luke chapter four, opened the scroll and read, "the Spirit of the Lord is upon me. He has anointed me preach good news to the poor…” He saw the sick who needed healing, saw those in bondage who needed deliverance, he saw those wearing the cloak of depression and sadness and wanted to give them beauty for ashes.
Truly he came to love and to give and to restore us to the image which he and his father and the Holy Spirit had originally fashioned. May this lift our hearts to know how he still looks upon us-still wants us-still chooses us. And may we look upon ourselves and others through his eyes. Love is not blind in this case; rather love is over-coming; love is eternal; unconditional; love covers a multitude of sins; love transforms; Receive his love anew today and be changed into his likeness. See and love others as we have been loved and as we love

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