Loving His Word
By Richard Lineberry
No one can rise to spiritual maturity without a love affair with God's Word. The Word is almost a synonym with the Christian message and remember that the Word is not just words on a page but the person of Christ manifested to us to demonstrate all that God is.
The Word purifies us by exposing good and evil and giving us power to chose the good. Through this Word comes faith to believe that our sins are forgiven and life becomes new through Christ's resurrection. The Word is the agent of spiritual rebirth. In our sinful condition, the needed change in our hearts to receive and give love is so great it requires a supernatural change on the inside that only God's Word can accomplish.
This Word must be HEARD. We must open our hearts and minds to the Word's entrance. It is possible to ignore and disregard it. The Word must not only be heard but HELD ON TO. It must be digested inwardly. We must hold it the forefront of our minds. In this way its power is released and we experience love.
The Word must be ACTED UPON if we are to fully comprehend its worth. When we hear Him speaking deep within us. Sometimes it seems He speaks things that impossible for us to do but His Word comes complete with grace which is the power to do and become exactly what He prescribes. Through acting on His Word we can do great things. The obstacles of the past can melt away as we learn what it means to follow Him. As we do this a new spiritual freedom comes that we had always longed for.
Finally, this Word within us longs to be spoken outwardly. Every believer needs to share the Word that is within us with others. Often that is just a simple encouragement we may give to others. If we ask, God will give us opportunities to speak to those that need to hear it. This is the Christian message that we receive this word of life and then give it away to those without.
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