theme Scripture Luke
is joy in God’s presence over one who repents (changes their mind
and amends their ways). This
is not a new year’s resolution but is being intentional and
resolute to share the joy God in us by humbling ourselves, detaching
from the world and being transformed in His love. Here are some
things to examine as we participate in and are united with the body
and blood of Jesus our Lord.
- Red Flags: recognize “Triggers” and take a step that HALTS a pattern of sin. Example: if tired get better rest; if stressed exercise; take steps to get support.
H=hungry for love/satisfaction;A=angry/frustration;L=lonely/insecure;T=tired;S=stressed or depressed.
- Reflex: interrupt the unhealthy habitual reflex. Stop/slow down/breathe/be still/meditate.
- Ritual: instead of moving toward the unhealthy thing or sin pattern, substitute it with a phone call or visit for accountability or to do good for someone else. Practice God’s presence and receive and give God’s love.
- Result: remind yourself of the negative result of the habitual sin (shame, guilt, humiliation, bondage or fearful consequence). Realize you can make different choices than the reoccurring bondage.
- Repentance into mind renewal: Above are four steps of repentance but they are incomplete without change in both conscious and unconscious thought patterns. Biblical transformational change is progressive, one moment at a time. We gradually know Him better, love Him more and use our bodies and all created things for his glory. We participate in His likeness and image. True repentance moves forward from asking for merciful forgiveness into profiting from receiving the “power of his grace that teaches us to say, ‘No,’ to sin.”-PD
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