Revival comes as I Repent, Renew and Re-form
We can identify where God is blessing and tend those altars in our lives. We can release God’s power and presence from heaven into the earth. God will run interference in demonic activity around us which is coming from idols and perversion in the culture.
Where is God’s blessing of “open heaven” for me/us? Like Isaac, I can re-dig old wells of blessing from our spiritual fathers. As I repent and receive God’s word my mind is renewed and I bring God’s kingdom to re-form the earth.
The five challenges of self-sacrifice Pastor Dwight asked us to write down for accountability last Sunday are:
1. Will I pray daily?
(I will pray with the mind and pray with the spirit) 1 Cor 14:15.
2. Will I read/meditate daily in the Bible?
(I will present my body, remove negativity and receive God’s Word to renew my mind) Rom 12:1-2; 1 Pet 2:1.
3. Will I be part of a small group or team at least 2x a month?
(I will be in committed relationships for discipleship and fellowship) Acts 2:42-46.
4. Will I serve in a specific ministry in the church?
(Through love I will serve others) Gal 5:13.
5. Will I get involved with people in need outside church?
(I will get out of my comfort zone and be on mission because we are “God’s net”)
(The last two also include the sacrifice of regular and generous giving.)
Steven White wrote these confessions to daily build faith and renew his mind.
1. I will walk with Christ by my side, for Christ's Kingdom and Glory, and toward Christ's purpose for me!
2. I will see the Lord, I will fear the Lord, and I will put my trust in the Lord. from (from Ps. 40:3).
3. I will put my hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. (from Ps. 42:11).
4. I will fear God and keep his commandments, this is my duty! (from Eccl 12:13)
5. I will walk before him faithfully & be blameless! (Gen 17:1)
Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. The Word of faith is in your mouth (Romans 10:7-10) You can write your own confessions of faith and meditation to renew your mind like Steven.
Update from Men’s Emergency Preparedness meetings
We are a proactive community of men of the Spirit, who seek God together, and who can give gracious answers to those who observe us when they see the hope that is within us.
We’ve had three good times of discussion and prayer and are ready to form an Emergency preparedness Council. Speak with Richard Lineberry about participating or ask for a copy of the policy he has written so far.
Financial Update
As we begin the new season of fall we give thanks for God’s blessing in and through you. As of August 31 our expenses have exceeded our income by about $1,800.
Last year at this time we were down $4,000. This year we were in the plus until the last two months when we had over 3,000 of air conditioning repairs and gave honorariums that exceeded our offerings for those who ministered (we believe sowing seed is essential part of good stewardship).
God grace you with food to eat and seed to sow, as you cheerfully give as God moves your heart.
We are a proactive community of men of the Spirit, who seek God together, and who can give gracious answers to those who observe us when they see the hope that is within us.
We’ve had three good times of discussion and prayer and are ready to form an Emergency preparedness Council. Speak with Richard Lineberry about participating or ask for a copy of the policy he has written so far.
Financial Update
As we begin the new season of fall we give thanks for God’s blessing in and through you. As of August 31 our expenses have exceeded our income by about $1,800.
Last year at this time we were down $4,000. This year we were in the plus until the last two months when we had over 3,000 of air conditioning repairs and gave honorariums that exceeded our offerings for those who ministered (we believe sowing seed is essential part of good stewardship).
God grace you with food to eat and seed to sow, as you cheerfully give as God moves your heart.
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