“We’re living the Covenant life”

Covenant Life Church—what does that mean? (excerpt from Timothy Cunkle’s comments last Sunday AM.)
1.) Covenant life is the tangible increase in spirit and quality of life that exists when covenant is being walked in.
2.) Examples of blessing of corporate covenant life in our own body: taking meals to each other, the needs and seeds ministry, hospitality, taking care of much of our own building maintenance, and involvement in our neighborhood and community through Streets of Shalom Whiz Kids, the neighborhood food drive we did last year, being a voting site, etc.
3.) Examples of blessing of our covenant with God: prophetic art/worship/dance, healing, a multi-generational congregation, prophetic voices, etc.
4.) Even our vision statement, “Restoring individuals, generations, and nations and the earth itself, in the image and love of God,” is a covenantal statement. It directly responds to what God has asked of us, and seeks to envelop all of creation into the blessing and beauty of covenant.
5.) We probably walk in covenant relationship more than we realize unknowingly. We have declared and written upon our doorposts that we are a body of covenant life. [Pastor adds that we can choose to walk in the grace of covenant relationships more easily as we honor those who have led us and been examples to us. They opened heaven for us by making an altar to God specifically sacrificing their own wills and resources to establish covenant and to seek His Kingdom and build covenant community.]
What does it (living the covenant life) produce?
1.) Increased covenant with God leads to increased covenant with one another, and more of the outpouring of His presence and Spirit; the gifts of the Spirit, supernatural works, God’s favor, etc... become increasingly more evident in our lives.
2.) The corporate nature of covenant (covenant relationships with one another) leads to deeper friendships and community, and even greater sharing of wealth both physical and spiritual. Even this would push us closer to God and help us to receive more of his grace and blessings through one another.
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