Creating a Culture of Honor Requires
the Touch Of The Master's Hand
the Touch Of The Master's Hand

Today we desire to say "Thank You" to friends and neighbors who serve our community. Your "touch" on a child's life, your integrity in business, your help for a person in need, your protection, etc... You represent the grace of God who keeps watch over our city. We honor you today. May you feel the touch of the Master's hand in your life and through you to others.
This is week six in our study of God as the Creator of the form, man the bearer of God's form and creation reflecting the good form of God's image. In the second section of our book Reformers Creed, we look at God the Just Judge of the distorted form, man bearing that distortion, and the effect on creation. Because man aligned himself with the likeness of a distorted form (the Usurper-Liar-Accuser called Satan) God provided a means to restore us to His own image, and through us Re-form the earth.
Questions we might ask ourselves include the following:
Questions we might ask ourselves include the following:
What is my image of God? How do I think of Him? Do I think about God? What do I feel about God's thoughts toward me? If God is good and loves me and places worth and value on me enough to send His only Son whom He loves to restore me to Himself, does this affect how I view others and treat them? Do I value myself and honor others as created in the image and likeness of God?
How do I show value for what God made? Am I a good representative in how I tend and guard and release potential in people and things and the earth itself? What kind of house or rearing place am I making for God?
Finally, how do I show value for God's Word? Reading, meditating, studying and applying God's word brings blessing: God created by His Word, holds things together by His Word, judges creation by his Word, and Jesus is the Word made flesh among us. How I value God's Word reflects how much I value Christ himself.
Our hope is that we will grow in the knowledge of God and his word to us. We will bear his image in the earth. And by His grace we will create a culture of honor, affirmation, appreciation for others. The touch of the Master's Hand reveals the true value and image of God. Let Him choose you, lift you up in His presence, tune you and use you as his worship, releasing creativity, beauty, courage and hope. -PD
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