First Sunday of Advent
The Forerunner

(Mal 4:5-6, Is 40:3 and Luke 1:17 AMP)
This week read how John came preparing the way of the Lord. Pray the fulfillment of this amazing promise above—the turning of hearts of fathers and children and unbelieving, in preparation for His second coming. WOW! What a prayer to pray!
Who do you need to speak that promise over? Does your heart need turned toward your children or toward your parents? Are you praying for a prodigal? Look how John fulfilled the prophecies about him, and let your faith and hope be encouraged this week!
Who: Elijah must come first. Mal 4:5-6 & Lk 1:17, 76-79
About his birth: filled with the Spirit in the womb. Lk 1:15 & 41
What will he be like:
- A hairy man with leather belt: 2 Kings 1:8 & Matt 3:4
- Eating locusts: Lev 11:22 & Mt 3:4
- Where from: the wilderness. Is 40:3 & Lk 1:80 & 3:2
What message: Repent for the kingdom of God is coming. Lk 3:7-14; 7:27
Messiah will purify with fire: Mal 3:1-2, 4:1-2; & Lk 3:16-17
So that: the glory of the Lord be revealed. Is 40:5 & Jn 1:14
The end of the old and the coming of the kingdom: “No prophet greater than John but the least in the kingdom is greater than him” Luke 7:28
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