By Richard Lineberry
Three military recruiters were speaking at a special gathering in a college campus. There were recruiters from the Army, Navy, and Marines. Each had been given ten minutes to make their pitch to hearers about how their respective branch of service would be the best for these adventurous young men and women. They had been warned to be faithful to their ten minute limit lest they cheat the others out of theirs.
Sure enough the Army and Navy guys both went over leaving only two minutes for the Marine recruiter to speak. Frustrated, he just sat there and looked at the crowd in silence for the first minute then stood up and said, “I doubt whether there are but two or three of you in this whole room who are cut out for the Marines but I want you to come talk to me after this is over.” As you might expect, when things were over the Marine recruiter was flooded with interested takers. Jesus knew that heroic commitment comes from a heroic dimension of the human heart.
Believe it or not, Jesus calls on that same deep area in us. If you make small demands of people, you get small commitments. Jesus, however, demands our all. With that challenge, church history is full of heroes of the faith, who, through God’s power, did marvelous things and changed their world.
To know that God wants my all strikes a chord in me that says, “How can I give less than everything?” That’s exactly what He gave for me with the giving of His Son.
As we enter into His presence this morning, let’s answer the call with all of our hearts. If we do, He will surprise us with great things!
Grace be to all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with a love incorruptible. Ephesians 6:24
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