
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Our Teacher


By Richard Lineberry

The Holy Spirit is our Teacher. He will teach us to love the Word of God, to meditate on it and keep it. He will reveal the love of Christ to us so that we may love Him fervently and with a pure heart. Then we shall begin to see that a life in the love of Christ, even in the midst of our daily life and distractions is not only a possibility but a reality.
                                … Andrew Murray

The Holy Spirit is a person. He is not enthusiasm or emotions. He is not courage or energy. He is the personification of all that is good. He is a person the same as you are a person but not of material substance. He has individuality. He is one being and not another. He has a will and intelligence. He has hearing and knowledge. He has the ability to see and think. He can bear burdens, hear, speak, desire, grieve, rejoice. He is the Person that is putting Christ together in me.
                                … A. W. Tozer

No one would try to learn a foreign language or try to learn tight wire walking without a teacher. No one that studies a subject thoroughly refuses the wisdom of one who knows everything about the subject. The Holy Spirit is our expert on the Christian walk. Think of the millions of people He has already guided. He is the authorized one to interpret Scripture. He knows how to pray for our deepest needs. He knows the secrets of every heart. He gives God’s gifts to those who seek them. He reveals mysteries. He produces the fruit of love and God’s nature in us. We are His assignment, that is, to guide us into the fullness of Christ.

My prayer for us today is that we listen to Him and open our hearts and wills to his direction. If we say that we have trouble hearing, that is exactly what He needs to hear from us. He removes obstacles, clears our vision and equips us to see God’s doings in everything.

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