
Thursday, September 13, 2012



By Dwight Cunkle

Things that might help in daily prayer and meditation: 
Consider reading the Scripture once the night before, then when you revisit it in the morning something may “pop.”
If needed briefly think about the historical and cultural context to whom the Scripture was addressed.
Keep it simple rather than feel like this is too hard because you may "not be getting anything." You have probably heard God and received from Him many times when reading the Scripture or just thinking (but perhaps not always recognizing when it was God speaking or directing).
Don’t think you have to get something every day. Trust Holy Spirit to reveal Christ’s specific word in you over time instead of feeling pressure to “get” something immediately every time.
You can revisit a previous day. Please avoid looking at other Scriptures during this specific 20-45 minutes. Trust God.
Think in terms of sowing and reaping-how that growth takes time. New ideas may come instantly. New ways of thinking require however long Holy Spirit needs to work in us.
It is said that it takes repetition of 18 days to exchange a new habit for an old one. BUT it takes six months to feel at home in the changes-like they are part of you-in other words to “abide in them.” Be patient with yourself and with God who works in you both to will and to do his good pleasure (Phil 2:13).

Create a daily habit/pattern as "a way that works":
1. Five days a week, 20-45 min daily, praying through the Scripture.  Start with what you are able to do.
2. Give thanks and ask God for the grace as you begin.
3. Think back prayerfully, in the morning or before going to bed. “Discern the spirits” in our thoughts and emotions.
4. Make some notes briefly of your thoughts or responses.
5. Practice consciousness of God during the day
When first waking up consciously learn to wake up mind and spirit. Grow in consciousness of God’s presence and your responses throughout the day. We won't be afraid to think because we become more aware God lives in us.

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